Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My hair can snap and fall easily?

like when i brush my hair my hair can come off eaisly. even when i brush my hair with my hands. i currently use garnier fruitis as my shampoo and conditioner. how do i make my hair more stronger?

My hair can snap and fall easily?

First you need to determine whether your hair is falling off or breaking off.

If your hair is breaking off then you need a protein-base shampoo and conditioner and stop damaging your hair.

If your hair is falling off then you need to check on your diet and/or medication. Reducing stress can also make a change. You may also take a blood test to see if you are low in any vitamin.

(just as an as if, if you anoexic then your hair will fall off more than a regular human)

My hair can snap and fall easily?


if it's only a few strands of hair, it's nothing to worry about. but if it's more than like...ten hairs or more, listen to the other people!

My hair can snap and fall easily?

if your hair had been chemically treated (like relaxing chem, color treated, etc) they would be easily damage and hence fall off a lot.

but our hair fall off everyday, it's natural.

keep on condition your hair, healthy diets, work out, ...reduce stress (yoga, meditation,)

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