im sure that it is.
Why is brushing your hair supposed to be bad for it; and is combing it too many times per day also bad for it?
because your striping it of it's natural/healthy oils. what's more, your exposing it to more breakage (aka, split ends).
Why is brushing your hair supposed to be bad for it; and is combing it too many times per day also bad for it?
brushing and combing your hair too many times a day is bad because every time you brush your hair or comb your hair your hair brakes off and did you know that one srtan of hair that is broke of it takes it ten years to grow back well anyways and if your hair start breaking off whats left of your hair will have white tips at the end of them called spilt ends i hope i helped
Why is brushing your hair supposed to be bad for it; and is combing it too many times per day also bad for it?
I never heard of this 1 ! When u brush ur hair ur spreading ur natural health oils throughout ur hair ... :)
Why is brushing your hair supposed to be bad for it; and is combing it too many times per day also bad for it?
It's not, IF you have virgin hair, never a perm, color or anything else on all the hair on your head at this time.
Brushing dry (never wet) hair is intended to distribute oils from the scalp to the hair shaft, giving shine and a healthy look. It's best used on virgin hair otherwise it causes breakage. As for combing, be careful not to scratch the scalp with the comb. Remove tangles gently, starting at the ends of your hair and gently working your way up. Comb away!
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