Saturday, August 1, 2009

Hair Crisis! HELP!?

Ok. This is a question about my little sister. Ok. Well she has EXTREMELY thick hair. It is very hard to brush. She has tried getting it thinned, but it didn't work. Whenever she brushes her hair, it breaks off and creates split ends. A lot of them. I have no idea how to help her so that's why I'm asking you guys. Help us please! Any tips would be great!

Hair Crisis! HELP!?

thick hair doesnt seem to be the problem but keeping it healthy does.She is going to have to get rid of the split ends and get a brush designed for thick hair. also do not brush her hair when it is wet; that will cause more damage. Make sure to condtion it well and use a WIDE tooth comb when wet.avoid styling products and blow dryers. if she has to blow dry it place it on the lowest setting with a heat safe product sprayed on her head. she may want to see someone else about thinng it out maybe they didnt do it well enough.i suggest lots of oiling try avocado, sweet almond oil,coconut oil or jojoba oil (once a week). all these can be found at a health good store or you can just mix the oil into your conditioner. you can also visit they have allot of great info there

Hair Crisis! HELP!?

Getting hair "thinned" is just another term for layering the hair. It doesn't make it thinner or easier to manage.

Use a good deep conditioner and a detangler after a shower. Brush starting at the bottom and work your way up. (brush the bottom few inches, then brush a little higher, etc) to prevent too much breakage from tangled hair.

Hair Crisis! HELP!?

Stop brushing it, to begin with..... brushing it is making the breakage worse. In the shower, try gently finger-combing the hair while it has conditioner in it to get rid of tangles. Use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner and try a deep conditioning treatment -- they have jars of Hair-masks deep conditioner in the drugstore, or you can even do the mayonnaise treatment. but don't brush it!

Hair Crisis! HELP!?

I used pantene restoration, it helps heal and prevent breaking of hair, also if there is any frizz it really knocks that down. Also if her hair is too long it may tend to break easily, but it is also important if she has really thick hair not to get it cut too short.

Hair Crisis! HELP!?

have her condition her hair 1 time a day. tell her to keep it in for 3 minitues then was out.

and for shampoo and conditioner buy "none of your frizness"by herbal essence. it wil lhelp the split ends.

that should make her hair appear healthier and easier to brush.

now for the thinning.

blow dry her hair and dont let it air dry. that makes it 40% thicker.

so use a flat brush and a blow dryer and brush straight down while blowdrying.

it will work.

trist me my hair it the thickest ever!

Hair Crisis! HELP!?

Try something over the counter called --Lusters Pink Lotion--- it is an African American product and it is not greasy or oily , it conditions your hair and you dont even have to use alot, it helps with the split ends too and it does not make your hair feel as thick.

Hair Crisis! HELP!?

Try leave in conditioner it help soften and detangle the hair also try brushing from down upwards for less damage.

Also don't ''brush'' her hair ''comb'' it with a wide toothed comb and keep it well moisturized!

try this ones: read the reviews also the 1st and 2nd is best coz is for that type of hair Good luck!!

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