Saturday, August 1, 2009

I have a poodle and don't want to cut his hair.Is there a way to maintain his hair not tangled?

I don't want to brush his hair every day, either.

I have a poodle and don't want to cut his hair.Is there a way to maintain his hair not tangled?

You'll need to brush him at least once a day if you are going to keep it long. Their hair gets very knotty if you don't and can cause skin infections when it becomes matted. You may want to think of getting really short haircuts for him so it takes longer to grow and you wont have to brush every day.

I have a poodle and don't want to cut his hair.Is there a way to maintain his hair not tangled?


First of all, poodle hair is not meant to be allowed to just grow. It's designed to be cut. If you allow it to grow too long it will become unmanageable.

If you want to maintain your poodle in a long hair cut, you MUST brush and comb every day.

Sounds like you should have gotten a different breed. This one is pretty high-maintenance as regards to hair.

I have a poodle and don't want to cut his hair.Is there a way to maintain his hair not tangled?

You shouldn't have got a poodle if you don't want to take care of it. You might see if the petstore has any detangler spray to spray on the dog's hair.

I have a poodle and don't want to cut his hair.Is there a way to maintain his hair not tangled?

Quite obviously it needs to be brushed if you don't want to cut it. Duh!?!?!? Why not get the groomer to give him a scissors cut rather than the usual very short shave. He'll look gorgeous - of course that would mean you'd need to groom him once a week to keep him from matting up. If you can't be bothered doing that, do him a favour and get a regular poodle clip.

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