Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Excessive hair fall after giving birth?

Everytime I brush my hair, I can see a lot of hair in my brush, especially after I take a bath. I have noticed that my hair become thinner. Does anybody here knows what kind of supplement i should take to prevent hair loss. If this is normal to all women who give birth, how long does it last before going back to normal? I'm worried because I dont like to cut my hair^^! Please help an thanks in advance.

Excessive hair fall after giving birth?

From what i've seen this isn't uncommon. Considering its hormonal changes that probably cause this there mightn't be much you can do. Eating protein rich foods might help, as well as using a hair strengthening shampoo and conditioner, and avoiding dying your hair.

Rest assured, it will grow back. There was a lady who used to come into the hair salon i work at who had this issue. Her hair thinned out quite alot, but returned to normal after afew months after she'd given birth.

If your very concerned, don't hesitate to consult your doctor.

Excessive hair fall after giving birth?


Excessive hair fall after giving birth?

Yes, this is normal and is caused be hormonal changes. You may have had more hair fullness develop during pregnancy also.

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