Sunday, July 26, 2009

Why is my hair falling out?????

I have long, straight hair. I have never permed or colored it, and have not had a child recently. I usually have it in a bun or ponytail. I notice it falling out the most when I'm in the shower. I'll run my hands over my hair while rinsing and will get a handful of hair. The other times I notice is when I brush my hair, and on my pillow in the morning. I'm cleaning my house this weekend, and am finding hair everywhere!!!

I shampoo every other day, and use Tressemme shampoo and conditioner. My hair is really fine, so I usually put a leave in conditioner on the baby fine hair at the base of my scalp. However, what falls out seems to be long hair.

What can I do to fix this problem? I have read the other answers, but truthfully can't afford to go to the doctor - I don't have insurance.

Thanks :D

Why is my hair falling out?????

Don't worry! Hair falling out (even if it seems like a lot) is completely natural. Everyone's hair falls out in cycles. And remember, it's also normal to lose up to 100 hairs a day. If your still concerned, take daily vitamins. Don't bother seeing a doctor unless you start to see bald patches.

Why is my hair falling out?????

ure old duh

Why is my hair falling out?????

Hmmmm....this is a problem ever consider a wig?

Why is my hair falling out?????

could be hormones. did you just have a baby? are you stressed out? Also your diet, are you eating enough veggies? Its normal to lose a little hair everyday but not too much. see a doctor if its nothing obvious.

Why is my hair falling out?????

my hair always falls out in the shower. an suggestion is 2 shower every day!!

Why is my hair falling out?????

I went to my doctor because of the same thing and found out that there was a problem with my thyroid.

Why is my hair falling out?????

it could be your diet thats effecting your hair poor food choices cand do that. also try getting enpugh vitamins to promote strong healty hair and just to be safe you should see adodtor cuz hair loss is a reall y bad sign of even worse things

Why is my hair falling out?????

Losing hair can be cause by a number of problems. Hormones and stress are two. Any time you pull your hair and put bands on it you are stretching it. Try allowing it to air dry and don't use a curling iron. Good luck.

Why is my hair falling out?????

maybe you are wearing your scrunchy to tight. it could be making you hair break because of the scrunchy. or your just getting old my mom is like 55 or something like that and she is loosing her hair too. o yea some medication can make you loose your hair too.

Why is my hair falling out?????

Some peoples hair just falls out or sometimes when a person is scared or exited that happens, and sometimes different waters can damage hair. Maybe try shampooing and conditioning your hair with something else than what you are using. I am so sorry you can not afford the doctor.

Why is my hair falling out?????

sounds like atopia. my sister has this.

Why is my hair falling out?????

Severe hair problems may cause anguish.Badly damaged hair breaks at the scalp. Here a few simple home remedies which can be tried at home to control hair fall. To treat hair loss apply a little lemon juice with some black tea. Massage well and shampoo.Rub oil into the scalp. Wring out a towel in hot water and wrap it on the head. Keep it on for 15 minutes. Shampoo and dry well. Check out for more info.

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