Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How can i get my hair to grow long faster?

im trying to grow my hair out, its very thick, frizzy, and curly

ive heard that vitamins and stuff like protein will help it grow faster and also massaging ur head and horse shampoo and brushing your hair a lot

what if any of these work and is there anything else i can try?

i am also thinking about dying my hair is that bad for making it grow longer? is straightening it bad too?

How can i get my hair to grow long faster?

Hair straightening is particularly damaging to the hair. I try to not use it on my clients. Instead, I opt to use smoothing shampoos and conditioners. Also try to avoid hair dyeing. If you must dye your hair, try henna.

If your hair growth is really at issue, Propecia, Rogaine, and DHT blockers can help. But, the problem with all of these products is they are expensive, have temporary results that stop after use of the product, lastly, they have side effects. Thus, the best way to grow your hair fast is to take care of your hair from the inside out. Assess whether you live an unhealthy lifestyle or use traditional drugstore hair products that contain alcohol and sulfates. If you do, you can potentially be stunting your hair growth. I am a stylist, and if you follow the tips below, you can grow your hair. These tips have worked on several of my clients.

Tip #1: Change your diet.

Increase your intake of proteins. Eat fish, eggs, beans, yogurt, and cheese.

Tip # 2: Drink plenty of water

6-8 glasses is a must. 8-12 is even better.

Tip #3: Get your vitamins

Take a B Complex, Fish Oil, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E.

Tip #4: Only use an all-natural hair growth or hair thickening shampoos and conditioners

There are several good natural shampoos on the market, such as Aubrey Organics and Giovanni. However, I have used A Double Portion Super Hair Growth Shampoo on my hair loss clients because it is created specifically for hair growth and I have seen substantial results in a matter of month. It is full of hair growth promoting essential oils, sage, cayenne, neem, jojoba, and aloe. For my clients that used it, their hair got thicker, longer, and softer. You can find it online at wwwdiscoverb4acom. It is great shampoo just for making your hair more manageable and smooth as well.

Tip #5: Place as little heat and chemicals on your hair as possible. No hair coloring please.

Tip #6: Live a stress free life.

Tip #7: Get your blood flowing

Aerobic exercise stimulates blood circulation throughout the entire body, including the scalp. This is important for hair growth. Also, consider massaging your scalp for 5-10 minutes a day with warm olive or coconut oil. It will accentuate your hair growth as well.

How can i get my hair to grow long faster?

get it trimed offtan that helps get rid of the dead hare and maks the helthy hare grow faster. it worked for me

How can i get my hair to grow long faster?

drink lots of milk, protein and I thinkviteimin d!!!!!!!!!

How can i get my hair to grow long faster?

ya...well vitamins are good....also make sure to keep the dead ends cut off....and straightening a lot can damage your ends and dying a lot can defiently can kill it......

How can i get my hair to grow long faster?

You should trim your hair and then in everytime it grows back it should be twice as much longer then it was before!

Dying your hair can damage your hair.........It also makes your hair dry.........It changes you hair texture into something weird.................... ;-D

How can i get my hair to grow long faster?

Try to avoid heat styling if you can, it damages hair and slows growth. Get trims every couple months ( that doesn't make your hair grow faster but it does get rid of split ends before they get worse and do more damage.)

Eating healthy and drinking plenty of water (8-10 glasses a day) helps, what you put into your body shows in your hair, skin and nails.

Multivitamins and other supplements can help. Biotin is the most popular but you'll need to take very large amounts (5,000 mcgs- 20,000 mcgs a day) effects vary, I've seen a little difference and I take 15,000. It is safe to take that amount because it's a water soluble viatmin meaning whatever your body doesn't absorb you'll pee out. Other supplements that are beneficial are MSM, Flaxseed Oil, Zinc, Evening Primrose oil.

Try this website ( ), they have a lot of good information. Who knows better how to get hair to grow to it's max length then people who have it down to their butt :D

How can i get my hair to grow long faster?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth

How can i get my hair to grow long faster?

1st of all brushing ur hair to much is a definite "NO-NO"!

2nd don't straightn ur hair or dye it while trying to help it grow faster!

My advice is...

The healthier ur body is the healthier ur hair is. Maintain a healthy diet. Also using baby oil (though it sounds weird) really helps and do does "Doo Gro" stimulating hair growth works. And take vitamins daily.

Good Luc %26lt;3

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