Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hair loss due to Type 2 Diabetes?

I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes Sept 2004. My hair was thick back then, but over the past 6 months, every time I brush my hair, there's a lot of hairs in the brush. Has anyone else experienced hair loss dur to their Diabetes? Should I tell my doctor about the hair loss at my next appointment?

Just for the record, I'm 54 yrs old. Only one member of my immediate family experienced hair loss, but he did so over a 40 yr span.

Hair loss due to Type 2 Diabetes?

I was losing my hair well before I was diagnosed. I'm a 56 y.o. guy, though. I've never heard of diabetes causing hair loss in anyone. Mine is due to genetics. Here's a comprehensive list of possibilities:

Hair loss due to Type 2 Diabetes?

I used to work for an Endocrinologist and I've never heard of a patient losing hair due to their DM. If you see an endocrinologist, bring this up to him/her. Alopecia is what it's called and he/she will be able to let you know if this is caused by your DM.

Hair loss due to Type 2 Diabetes?

In diabetes you do not loose hair. You loose hair when you are hopeless. When you are worried. May be you are taking your diabetes seriously. Or may be you have some other reasons for hair loss. You should talk to your doctor.

Hair loss due to Type 2 Diabetes?

Any medicine may cause side effects,it varies to people to people.You can consult your Doctor .

Hair loss due to Type 2 Diabetes?

Yes i have experienced this. It was due to one the medications that i was taking. I think you should talk to your doctor. Even look at the side effects of your medicine.

Hair loss due to Type 2 Diabetes?

Badly or uncontrolled diabetes can cause your hair to fall out. Miss America from 1999, had that problem as she was constantly misdiagnosed. However if your diabetes is controlled then this should not be related. I would tell your Dr. at your next appointment, however if your appoinment is not soon, i would call and have them call you back just to be sure you dont need to come in sooner.

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