Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hair Problems?!?

Alright, I use normal hair elastics and have fairly thick hair. But when I pull my hair back into a ponytail (even using a brush) my hair gets all lumpy and looks weird. I've tried using headbands to cover them up, but it doesn't help and I do not pull it back tight and don't use tight elastics. Any ideas what's wrong and how to prevent this?

Hair Problems?!?

Try to use a paddle brush when your done with your normal brush. Then, put in ponytail. Slide back with some straightening spritz.

Hair Problems?!?

i had the same thing happen to me.

everytime i put my hair back i completly brush it, really well with my head tilted back. Make sure its completly brushed really well then put it up.

dont brush it back, brush it before hand

Hair Problems?!?

you could straighten your hair first. I do this i brush it out put my hair up use a Boris bristle brush to smooth the top out the use some hair spray it work for me hope it helps you out.

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