Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What products will help my child's very thin hair grow fuller and healthy?

I have an 8-year old daughter and I noticed this for a while, but when I brush her hair or pull it back she would have bare spots. As if there isn't enough hair to cover her scalp or in other terms bald spots. Based on her nutrition and being picky on eating, I try to give her vitamins on a daily basis, but I sometimes forget. And I noticed that she brushes her hair after she takes a shower and she doesn't brush out the tangles before she goes to bed. I'm not sure what the cause is, but what I do know is I wanted to get suggestions on products that can help stimulate the growth of her hair so she can can have that full head of hair and no bare spots.

Let me know your suggestions, thanks!

What products will help my child's very thin hair grow fuller and healthy?

Ensure that you give her a nutritious food, with plenty of leafy vegetables. Have a soya milk drink and multivitamin tablets if you do not have time to have a healthy breakfast.Apply the white of a raw egg on the hair for 30 minutes, and then wash it off with a shampoo. A mixture of lemon juice and egg white and oil massage could also be used to strengthen the roots of hair. More remedies at http://hairthinning.org/ will prevent further problems.

What products will help my child's very thin hair grow fuller and healthy?

go bald its sexy

What products will help my child's very thin hair grow fuller and healthy?

you should probably take her to the doctor and ask what is up with her hair. she might be sick.

What products will help my child's very thin hair grow fuller and healthy?

Foods high in Vitaimin A.Sweet potato,carrots,mangoes.Also watch her salt intake.

What products will help my child's very thin hair grow fuller and healthy?

i am just like that...when i was little my hair was very thin but now it has become coarse. Probably as she grows older it will become thicker, but you should as a hair stylist or even a doctor about it.

What products will help my child's very thin hair grow fuller and healthy?

It's a horrible thought, but you should make sure no one is pulling out her hair, maybe someone at school or a relative or babysitter.

If that's not the case (hopefully not!) make sure the shampoo she uses is made for kids and not too strong or damaging. She could also be pulling it out when she brushes it.

What products will help my child's very thin hair grow fuller and healthy?

Go to the doctor. If everything is fine than pick up mane n' tail shampoo (horse shampoo). It makes hair really thick and shiny.

What products will help my child's very thin hair grow fuller and healthy?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get ahealthy hair growth


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