Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hair falling out!! WHAT DO I DO!?

well basically everytime i brush my hair or wash it or play with it or take it out of a pony tail all this hair falls out !! am i supposed to eat something that will make it not fall out.. or am i missing some sort of food ?? i need help!!! :'( xx thanks!

Hair falling out!! WHAT DO I DO!?

ok, calm down, every day ur supposed to lose ALOT of hair, like really dont worry about it, try brushing it more often, dont put it up in a tight ponytail. If u dye ur hair alot, that could be contributing to it too. Like im17, and i have the smae problem, and thats exactly what the nurse at my school said...of course she was a lil peed off that i was waisting her time, but really its completly normal

Hair falling out!! WHAT DO I DO!?

yeah my hair doesnt fall out as much anymore,, i straighten it everyday but i dont dye it .. i once put a wash out one in ?? =] thanks for ur answer. (this comment is wayyy too late =D ) xx Report It

Hair falling out!! WHAT DO I DO!?

are you a guy or a girl?

If you are a girl, go see your doctor immediately.

If you are a guy, shave your head and/or buy a baseball cap.

Hair falling out!! WHAT DO I DO!?

You need some protien. Take some Biotin pills, and go to the health foor store and get biotin drops. Shen Min pills also work good, ask the guy at the health store for it.

Hair falling out!! WHAT DO I DO!?

If you are male or female then you can have a thyroid problem.

If you are eating soy products then stop eating them.

If you are female it can be a hormone problem too.

if you are male then it is probably male pattern baldness or you are ill.

Hair falling out!! WHAT DO I DO!?

Honestly you probably are not loosing hair at all. Everytime you brush your hair you shed hair and it grows back. Dont worry so much about it. But if you are looking like you are actually going bald go to your doctor and ask what he reccomends you do.

Hair falling out!! WHAT DO I DO!?

Here's a list to check off (I've had that happen b4, so I know how freaky it is!!). This is stuff docs and nutritionists have told me about:

1) Are you underweight? That will make your hair fall out, believe me!

2) Are you coloring your hair? Some people's hair just can't deal with being colored.

3) Here's some vitamins that can help: flaxseed oil, vitamin B12. There are also multi-vitamins that target hair health specifically, but they don't usually have flaxseed oil in them.

4) Condition, condition, condition! Make sure you're using nourishing shampoo and conditioner: your hairdresser can give you some good tips.

5) Are you stressed? Unfortunately, that happens to all of us. Try to relax, and know that your hair WILL stop falling out and WILL grow back.

6) In the meantime, keep your hair trimmed to keep it as healthy as possible.

Good luck! Mine stopped falling out, and I thought it never would. Hair goes through cycles--it gets thicker when you're pregnant, then thins back down again, up and down...I know it's scary, but believe me, probably no one else notices.

Hair falling out!! WHAT DO I DO!?

If you dye your hair, quit it.

Use shampoos and conditioners with no chemicals, only natural ingredients.

Find healthy outlets for your stress (exercise, singing, sports, etc.)

Know that it's normal to lose 50 -100 hairs every day.

Good luck!

Hair falling out!! WHAT DO I DO!?

Get a medical checkup to ease your mind. Stop mistreating your hair with dyes. Probably you are observing normal loss.

Hair falling out!! WHAT DO I DO!?

massage ur scalp with spinach blend water weekly n coconut oil daily. Take spinach with ur routine meals. good luck.

Hair falling out!! WHAT DO I DO!?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Hairloss/Hairfall


Hair falling out!! WHAT DO I DO!?

yes, zinc is the answer

Research has confirmed the role of zinc has a vital nutrient in the healthy growth of hair. Zinc is an important element in the management of stress when it is mobilized in stress as it is an important constituent of many vital enzymes required for normal body functions.

Hair falling out!! WHAT DO I DO!?

Egg whites, lemon juice, oil massages and diet changes can reduce hair fall. You can find more cheap, effective and natural home remedies for hair loss at http://www.wellnesstalk.org/hairfall.htm...

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