Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hair loss in pregnancy?

I am 20 weeks pregnant and in all my baby books it says that your hair stops falling out by this point and looks thicker and shinier. Unfortunately someone forgot to tell my body this and I am shedding lots of hair from my head. Not large clumps, but i notice it on my clothes and in the washbasin when I brush my hair in the morning. I have had a really itchy head since week 1 but have tested negative for choleostasis.

My hair is quite short and has been cut recently so I don't think it is breaking for this reason.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Hair loss in pregnancy?

lol i sympathise with you i lost a lot of my hair with my first pregnancy and that was 14 years ago. And exactly the same as you i was very healthy eating and exercising. But at the end of it all i had a healthy baby boy who is nearly 14. Also my hair was cut short and it does scare you but please don't worry as it is all to do with the hormones etc Growing a baby is very hard work for your body. I am now 35 weeks pregnant with my 4th baby and look and feel very healthy with No hair loss this time or with my 2nd or 3rd baby i didn't loose any more.

So good luck and best of wishes with the rest of your pregnancy take care xx

Some people are very cheeky on here with there answers.

Hair loss in pregnancy?

My hair loss came after the babies were born. Although it all grew back very quickly. Check with your midwife.

Hair loss in pregnancy?

i had that and the midwife said its all the hormones but got better after the baby was born

Hair loss in pregnancy?

Take my advise those books don't count for everyone! I also lost a lot of hair whilst pregnant, don't worry about it. My hair also went greasy for a few weeks. Drove me made! Then towards birth it all settled down again. It's just your hormones, they affect people in different ways.

Congrats on the pregnancy, a winter birth. Lucky you! My daughter was born 6th july 1997, and the weather was soooooo hot. We had a heat wave that year anyone remember it here in the uk. Started around the end of march beginning of april when right through till end of September. My poor swollen feet. ;)

Hope your son/daughter has it all, health/happiness and a warm gentle heart.

Hair loss in pregnancy?

I read that too...and my hair did the same thing as yours is. NOT FAIR! My nails are growing nicely though! :) Be sure to take your prenatal vitamins and eat well. Other than that, all you can really do is wait it out!

Hair loss in pregnancy?

Your hormones make your body do lots of crazy things during pregnancy. As long as you are taking your prenatals religiously, eating plenty of fruits and veggies, avoiding drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes, there should be no need for concern. Most people experience the thicker, shinier hair because of the increase in calcium and folic acid in their diets. If you are someone who regularly balances her diet, you wouldn't see the effect quite as dramatically.

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