Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Female hair loss?

I'm 15. When i brush my hair lots of hair comes out and i find it round the house and stuff. This has been happening for the last two years or something so i went to see the doctor. At first he thought it was because i wan't getting enough protein so he put me on protien drinks. That didn't work so i took a blood test and i found out that i was annemic so i was put on iron stuff. So the iron was making my hair fall out less. Then i when on holiday (2 weeks) and stopped taking the iron, but my hair wassn't falling out at all! even though i was staightening and drying it a lot , but i was leaving it down more and eating three big meals a day (without vegatables though coz i don't like them). Then a week after i came home my hair starts to fall again!

What do you think could be causing it?

I thought the lack of iron was the problem but when i was on holiday i wasn't taking the iron and my hair stoped falling.

I don't normally get stressed so i don't think it could be that.

Female hair loss?

you might not realize it but stres isnt always noticable

go back to your doctor just in case

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