Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Has anyone never cut their hair ever or has REALLY long hair? Is it had to take care of?

Hi, my name is Hope and I've NEVER cut my hair! It's as long as... well, it's really long. I usually put it in a bun. It is dark black, almost blue and it's shiny.

So my other question in this matter... for those with liong hair, is it a hassle to clean and brush your hair everyday? It does for me. I have to spend an hour in the night to clean it and about 30 minutes to brush it in the day and in the night.

Has anyone never cut their hair ever or has REALLY long hair? Is it had to take care of?

I have long waist length hair, that I love, mines not hars to take care of, I take a 20min shower wash%26amp;dry it and it's beautiful mines just really thick!

Has anyone never cut their hair ever or has REALLY long hair? Is it had to take care of?

i have fairly long hair and yes it takes time to take care of my hair its a pain

Has anyone never cut their hair ever or has REALLY long hair? Is it had to take care of?

Do you have pictures? i want to see your hair! lol I've had long hair that is difficult to take care of and I do now, but not nearly as long as yours must be! I've cut my hair numerous times.

Has anyone never cut their hair ever or has REALLY long hair? Is it had to take care of?

My friends has hair down to her butt and she said it's not that bad to deal with.

Has anyone never cut their hair ever or has REALLY long hair? Is it had to take care of?

My hair is very long and it is hard to deal with many times but it depends on the type of hair you actually have

Has anyone never cut their hair ever or has REALLY long hair? Is it had to take care of?

wow i caint believe you never cut your hair how long is it? anyways you need a cool cut!

Has anyone never cut their hair ever or has REALLY long hair? Is it had to take care of?

my hair used to go down to my behind. it's not too hard to care for, kinda hard to reach all of it in the shower though. and if you blow dry your hair it takes a while, if its windy you have a big mess :p but nothing too bad. i liked it actually.

Has anyone never cut their hair ever or has REALLY long hair? Is it had to take care of?

Yeah, it's hard. It doesn't take that long for me to take care of my hair, but it is a lot to manage. I always wear my hair down, I love showing off how long it is! I have to use a lot of shampoo/conditioner...but it's worth it!

Has anyone never cut their hair ever or has REALLY long hair? Is it had to take care of?

I have hair almost to my belly button and I consider it quite long :S This is the hairstyle that I like, so I figure that washing it, styling it, and combing it etc. is kinda like.. part of the package of having long hair.

I'm getting my hair cut soon though, because I'm getting sick of the way it looks.

Has anyone never cut their hair ever or has REALLY long hair? Is it had to take care of?

wow! that is too long. I wouldn't waist that long brushing my hair. And wouldnt you like to take it out of that bun sometime in your life. I suggest getting your hair cut. I did a few weeks ago... and i love it beinh shorter

Has anyone never cut their hair ever or has REALLY long hair? Is it had to take care of?

i envy u!

i lost my hair because of treatment, and its now really short!

never cut your hair!

Has anyone never cut their hair ever or has REALLY long hair? Is it had to take care of?

i have long hair and i've been growing my hair out for about 10 years..ony getting it trimmed. i like putting my hair in a bun..but when i put it in a high bun it makes my head want to fall back! is not super long and it only takes me a few minutes to wash and clean it.

Has anyone never cut their hair ever or has REALLY long hair? Is it had to take care of?

I have long black hair I love it,that is one thing that as a Pakistani woman I am blessed with long beautiful black hair without my hair I have nothing. It is easy to take care of just wash and tie back and sometimes lets loose and free. British people have short hair on the most part.

Has anyone never cut their hair ever or has REALLY long hair? Is it had to take care of?

cut it

Has anyone never cut their hair ever or has REALLY long hair? Is it had to take care of?

WOAH ssly? then you should cut it to save you time and stuff!!!

ive cut my hair of course in the past. its bad if you dont cut it cause then you can get split ends :/

my hair is a little past my chest and it only takes like 1 min to comb every morning but to wash my hair it takes some more time of course.

shorter hair is easier to take care of but you should get the length of hair that llooks best on you.

but im serious. dont you get sick and tired of tying your hair up eveery SINGLE day???

my mom got sick of that her hair was a little longer than mine so she cut it short and now its easier for her.

i advise you cut it somewhat shorter? yeppp hoped i helped^^ :]

Has anyone never cut their hair ever or has REALLY long hair? Is it had to take care of?

i have never cut my hair because it is my faith as to not cut it.... so to answer your question i should say that no its not really hard just takes a while to do it, i put my hair in a bun to and well i think you should keep your hair, well that is if you haven't already cut it. If your looking for something religious well God gave woman there hair for strength in Him. and im sure it's really pretty.

Has anyone never cut their hair ever or has REALLY long hair? Is it had to take care of?

Mine is just below my waist. I don't wash it everyday; you don't really need to. The brushing can take a while especially after swimming.

However, if it is getting to be a hassle cut it to a managable length; it is just hair. I keep mine long because otherwise it develops weird curls.

Has anyone never cut their hair ever or has REALLY long hair? Is it had to take care of?

Yes, people with long hair have a very hard time to work with it. If you are having too many problems with and and don't like doing it, I advise you to cut a little off. If you like it the way it is, keep it! It is normal for it to take a loonnnnggg time to work with it. Whatever choice you make, have fun and GOODLUCK!

Has anyone never cut their hair ever or has REALLY long hair? Is it had to take care of?

yea i had long hair when i was younger and i didnt cut it until like 4 years ago so i remember how it was. it is a hassle but if you like your long hair and can deal with it, than its cool but if your questioning cutting your hair because it is too much than maybe you should. i ended up not cutting that much, like about 6 inches? and now its about 3 inches down from my sholder on each side. i remember washing it took 2 hours and then combing it hour, and pressing it was another 3-4 hours.

Has anyone never cut their hair ever or has REALLY long hair? Is it had to take care of?

Don't cut your hair. If you do decide to cut it, please consider donating it to locks for love. It is a great charity that helps out children cancer patients.

Try skipping a day between washing your hair. There really is no reason to wash it daily unless you are using a lot of product or tend to have greasy hair. If you're just sick of the bun, why not try a braid for awhile, a ponytail, something else if that is what you're looking for. Honestly, I love buns. They keep your hair out of your face, but your hair is still there for when you're ready to let it down.

Good luck to you.

Has anyone never cut their hair ever or has REALLY long hair? Is it had to take care of?

wow, thats really amazing! i think someone before me answered that they envy you because they lost their hair to a treatment. if your hair is in good condition, you should definently DONATE IT!!!!!!!!!! I can't tell you how many people wish they still HAD hair, let alone long hair! it will make someone soooo happy if you donate it to get a wig made out of it!!! really!!!

Has anyone never cut their hair ever or has REALLY long hair? Is it had to take care of?

I just cut my hair for the first time about a month ago (I only got 7 inches cut off but it's a lot easier to handle now). My sister's never gotten hers cut... so I know how you must feel. Yes, it's a pain in the neck to take care of my hair. I only wash my hair every other day (sometimes a day more after that) that way I don't strip the natural oils too badly and have to worry about my hair being one big frizz ball. My hair's kinda wavy and a little on the thin side so it's easy to break and look really bad if I don't take care of it. I use a mix of the Blonde Moisturizing, Loreal kids sport, and dandruff shampoo (all together) when I wash my hair... it seems to work. Um, something I found out is that my hair looks EXACTLY the same when I brush my hair out 50 million times while it's drying after washing it-- and when I just ignore it and let it air dry slightly tangled and brush it out once when it's dry. Leave in conditioner is key for keeping those funny frizzy underside hairs calm, too.

Long response... sorry. but hope it helps.

Has anyone never cut their hair ever or has REALLY long hair? Is it had to take care of?

I had long hair when I was in my 20s and it was a pain to brush and I had lots of split ends. It made me really hot when it was down so I kept it up a lot.

Then when I was around 30 I cut it and kept it short. I love it short, don't even have to dry it with a dryer, it dries in the air in about 15 minutes.

Has anyone never cut their hair ever or has REALLY long hair? Is it had to take care of?

Congrats..DON"T cut it...i had my hair down on the floor but now I have to maintain it to my ankles because i live in a dorm at uni and i don't trust the cleanliness of the bathroom floors there (I share). Buns have always worked for me but i've found that i get a lot of neckpains as i've gotten older (i'm in my early 20s) when i put it in a bun..or maybe its the lenght and how high i tie the any case i wear alot of braids these days.

Has anyone never cut their hair ever or has REALLY long hair? Is it had to take care of?

cut it...

it is alot easier to take care of if its short.

i swear

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