Tuesday, July 28, 2009

People that knows stuff about Hair!!!?

Okay i have like really really really long hair and i haven't cut it in about ummmm a year or two not really sure but its been a while! Its dry at the ends its because i straighten it! well recentally i have used Pantene well i was told that makes your hair fall out!! soo i switch to Head and Shoulders and its still falling out!! is it because its soo dry and dead at the ends??? If i got it cut would it stop falling out!!??? ( i am getting cut but would it stop????)) Like when i used to brush it the brush had hair in it of course but now there is like lots of hair! i clean it out before and after i use it and there is a lot of hair in it!

People that knows stuff about Hair!!!?

Yes if you cut the dead ends off because if you dont your split end will go all the way at the root and your hair could fall off

People that knows stuff about Hair!!!?

first of all...

get your dead ends cut because that probably looks gross.

second of all..

your hair goes through different stages and yes, at times it will fall out, that is normal.

and for the record, pantene doesn't make your hair fall out

People that knows stuff about Hair!!!?

hair naturally falls out so thats not a big deal unless its coming out in handfuls. you should get it trimmed at least every 6 months. it will help it stay healthy and grow faster especially if you straighten it everyday.

People that knows stuff about Hair!!!?

Everyone looses hair.It just naturally falls out. I think its stress.Take some vitamin E and eat jello. The gelitin in jello makesyourhair stronger. And ahair cut would help too.

People that knows stuff about Hair!!!?

My Anatomy teacher told us that an average human loses about 100 strands per day and if your hair is not falling, there is something wrong with your hair growth :) .. Hair falling has NOTHING to do with split ends because hair grown from the root, not the tip.

Use a shampoo based on your hair type. Use head and shoulders if you have dandruff. Do NOT use Pantene because it made my hair fall a lot and my friends also said the same thing.

Go to this website for haircare tips and routine:


People that knows stuff about Hair!!!?

First of all you need to get your hair cut right away. Girls should tipically get a hair cut ever 6 months. Going more than a year is extremely unhealthy. Also your hair is most likely falling out because of Hormones. My hair fell out by the handfuls and i went to a doctor and he told me Hormones i don't know why but he seemed to know what he was talking about...but don't worry it happens to milllions of girls its just the way we are....but don't worry ur not going to go bald lol...but you could also try an all natural hair suppliment that helps make ur hair stronger and healthier to see if that helps any. Also try eating healthy. And if your really concerned (like i was) you can go to the doctor to check for Lukimia but i doubt you have Lukimia....its probally just a change ur going through Good luck if you have any questions email them to me :) HOPE I HELPED GOOD LUCK!

People that knows stuff about Hair!!!?

All hair has a time limit. Since your hair is very long every time your brush or comb it threes more of a chance of it falling out faster because if the tangles and pulling of the hair when brushing. Your hair has to look really bad and not healthy at all because of the ends being frayed and all different lengths. Choice of shampoo has nothing to do with the hair falling out. Its because of the length and unkept hair trimming. Why would you keep your hair so long if it looks like crap? I can never understand why a woman wants long hair if it does not fit her face and the beauty of long hair is not a beauty without it being trimmed atleast every 6 months. Get it cut or get a new style.

People that knows stuff about Hair!!!?

hair falling can be for a lot of reasons such as the shampoo you are using, hormonal change. What i can tell you is use a deep conditioner such as garnier that's used after you shower it has the instructions in the back.You can use it with heat you can blowdry it for twenty minutes and leave it on for ten more minutes. infusium 23, nexus these produts work great, you can use a leave in conditioner daily, tresemme produsts work great too for all hair types make sure to read on the label on what your hair needs... Give your hair a break for the straightening iron and cut the ends. Another thing when you straighten your hair make sure not to put any oil on it till you are done that makes it dry up more. It's better to use a heat tamer from tresseme.

People that knows stuff about Hair!!!?

Please read the hair blogs on hairbyus.spruz%26lt;dot%26gt;com for treatment to your hair at home.

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