Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Why do I loose a lot of hair?

I know that it's normal to loose hair when u shampoo and condition ur hair. I shower every day and every time that I do hair falls off. I get scared that sometimes I don't even brush my hair because I know for sure that I am going to be loosing even more hair. At the moment I am using the Suave Shampoo. Should I change to another Shampoo? Which one do u guys recomend? GOD BLESS

Why do I loose a lot of hair?

don't wash your hair too often as you wash away essential oils that protect your scalp which will go dry and in turn fall out

also, let your hair dry naturally dont use curling tongs or straightners which damage the hair!

eat a well balanced diet and drink lots of water that helps alot =)

Why do I loose a lot of hair?

yeah change ur shampoo try keratin intensive from the face shop , well daily u lose 100 hair so maybe its normal if not try minoxidil 5% drops it worked for me

Why do I loose a lot of hair?

Well you can loose it if you wash your hair everyday . Try stopping that and ya try changing to a different shampoo and dont put as much conditionor FOR NOW.

Hoped I helped :D

Why do I loose a lot of hair?

Check a hair stylist or a doctor for accurate,defined results

Why do I loose a lot of hair?

You can't loose hair. The word is lose!

Hair loss can be caused by many different factors. In women, many of these are hormonal, especially androgenic alopecia. This is when the follicle is damaged by progesterone or less likely in females, dihydrotestosterone (but it still happens- Women do produce testosterone, then it's attacked by 5 alpha-reductase and converted to dihydrotestosterone).

Now, on to the most likely causes in yopur case.

If you're using an oral contraceptive, you could have elevated progesterone levels. Yaz is the best contraceptive for you to use in this case!

Oddly, topical progesterone improves hair growth in men.

These hormones place the follicle into it's "sleeping" stage. That means the hair won't grow any more then eventually fall out.

All of the prioducts from Shen Min work well, probably as good or better than minoxidil, with less side effects. Look'em up. Yahoo! will violate me for spamming if I post a direct link.

Nitrients to consider.

The entire B complex, particularly biotin.

Vitamin C increases circulation to the scalp.

Olive oil added to your diet. Seriously, this works.

Selenium is involved in the health of your scalp, too.

Nizoral is a dandruff shampoo, but it's shown great promise in hair regrowth, along with Neutragena T-Gell. You need only use these once or twice per week.

Next, be gentle while washing and drying your hair. Pulling on the hair will also place the hair into it's dormant stage.

Everyone sheds hair, so unless it's an alarming amount every time that you wash, don't think too much about it.

This stuff that I recommended really works.

Why do I loose a lot of hair?

Try switching to a baby shampoo for a short while, it is not necessary to wash the hair everyday. Every other day or twice a week,is sufficient.

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