Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Why am i 18 and it feels like i'm losing a lot of hair? oh i'm a female by the way!?

My hair used to be extremely thick!!! I mean almost too thick... over the past two years it has thinned out a lot, but is still thick. It's really curly too. I've just noticed that after I take a shower everyday and brush my hair, a lot comes out on the brush. I mean, it's been happening and i've been to a dermatologist... they just say my scalp is dry. I don't konw if this is the cause. I also take wellbutrin for anxiety and depression. Don't know if this is the cause either. I know it could thin it out... but i hope i don't go bald! maybe i'm just paranoid!!! lol.. has anyone else had this happen to them?

Why am i 18 and it feels like i'm losing a lot of hair? oh i'm a female by the way!?

You may not be losing hair, you just said you're feeling like it.

Why am i 18 and it feels like i'm losing a lot of hair? oh i'm a female by the way!?

if you have thick hair then its probably natural... but maybe your too stressed out, that can cause hair loss too!

Why am i 18 and it feels like i'm losing a lot of hair? oh i'm a female by the way!?

Maybe you should think about seeing a nutritionist. If you are not getting enough nutrition, you could lose your hair. It happened to me. I wish you the best.

Why am i 18 and it feels like i'm losing a lot of hair? oh i'm a female by the way!?

I was told by a hairdresser once that we lose an average of 100 hairs per day. Also, are you on birth control? That can make you lose more hair.

Why am i 18 and it feels like i'm losing a lot of hair? oh i'm a female by the way!?

if you have had a lot of stress lately then that would be the reason. i would go to your local health food store, and ask them if there are any vitamins to restore your hair. thats what my mom did when she was losing hair from stress.

Why am i 18 and it feels like i'm losing a lot of hair? oh i'm a female by the way!?

Sometimes, your hair falls out due to stress and such. Also, hypothyroidism can cause hair loss. See a Dr. for a blood test. Thyroid is very imortant.

Why am i 18 and it feels like i'm losing a lot of hair? oh i'm a female by the way!?

Don't worry to much about it....

I've asked my Dr about it before and I was told that women can loose up to 5000 strains of hair a day.

Yeah I said 5000. On avarage though it's 1000-2000 of them daily.

Like always I too would brush my hair after a shower, but I just wasn't cleaning the brush once, but about 4 times. I was just pulling hair out left and right. HOWEVER like you said, my hair is still really thick. You have nothing to worry about, but if you still feel that you need another opinion, PLEASE speak to your Dr about it.

I wish you luck~

Why am i 18 and it feels like i'm losing a lot of hair? oh i'm a female by the way!?

I think you should use some sort of hair moisturizer. Don't only moisterize your scalp but the hair aswell. Avoid brushing your hair evetday by simply wearing pin-up styles. You can use a volumizer shampoo to make it thicker.

Why am i 18 and it feels like i'm losing a lot of hair? oh i'm a female by the way!?

This has happened to me, and it still happens to me. I'll be taking a shower and so much hair falls out, and then even more falls out when i brush it afterwards. I was told that hairspray makes your hair fall out. Also, if you wear your hair up a lot it will fall out because of it being tied up.

Why am i 18 and it feels like i'm losing a lot of hair? oh i'm a female by the way!?

- Use a anti hair fall shampoo. Speak to your local pharmacist.

- Sometimes, hairfall isn't caused by dry scalp but oily scalp. Make sure you scrub your scalp with your fingertips when you are washing your hair.

- Also, try not to use a two-in-one conditioning shampoo. It'll make your scalp oily.

- Reduce the intake of salt because that's a cause of hair loss as well

- You could suffer hair loss when you are under tremendous stress. Loosen up a little if you are feeling stressed up lately.

Why am i 18 and it feels like i'm losing a lot of hair? oh i'm a female by the way!?

O this was happening to me and I was flipping out too! I was so scared I was going to go bald.

I think I see part of the problem: you take a shower every day and you scalp is dry. Several hairstylists told me same thing: it is best to wash hair every other day; not daily. Also change shampoos ; search till you find a gentle one you like that also makes hair look good.

I also believe Wellbutrin could be part of problem; i was using Zoloft when having my problem. No longer and hair loss is at normal amounts. Talk to your doctor about your very real concerns. Don't let them give you the old "you lose 100 hairs a day" speech.

Why am i 18 and it feels like i'm losing a lot of hair? oh i'm a female by the way!?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Hairloss/Hairfall


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