Sunday, July 26, 2009

Hair loss problem?

so many ppl told me that stress causes hair loss. But does it occur right at that moment when we're stressed? or does it take some time and then the hair starts falling out? i remember last year in august or something..i couldn't get into the school i wanted so i was really depressed and my grades were quite bad, a whole lot of stuff happened but my hair didn't fall out, it was pretty normal. everything was normal until february that my hair started to fall out. now it doesnt fall out alot but when i brush my hair about 10-20 strands will fall out. So..does it still have something to do with the stress i was having before? is my hair shedding cuz of stress starting just now? why not atm when i was feeling stressed? and when will this stop? i hope it's not permanent

Hair loss problem?

Hair goes into a "resting" stage for 3 months before it falls out. So if your hair is falling out now, it absolutely can be something from 3 months ago. If it is stress, don't worry, it's only a temporary situation :-)

Hair loss problem?

well 1st it could be your age and genetic, meds, stress, change of environment, etc. there are lot of reasons for hair loss. if you want to ask me some questions.

Hair loss problem?

Your hair has a "resting state," but they're not all in the same stage at the same time, or we would all be bald half the time! Hair loss can be due to stress but hormones are a more likely culprit. Ever been diagnosed with hypothyroidism? You're awfully young for any health problems, I'd just blame it on the stress. Don't worry, it will come back. My hair seems to fall out a lot too but I dont' have any less than I used to, so I guess it's normal. Good luck, and don't stress about it lol ;-)

Good product is Nioxin shampoo/conditioner/products for thinning hair.

Hair loss problem?

Stress can be one reason for hair fall but don't think it will take this long to react may be you hair should be a little damaged. It is normal to shed some hair each day as part of a cycle of growing new hairs and loosing some. Badly damaged hair breaks at the scalp. Check out for more info.

Hair loss problem?


Stress is definitely one of the main causes for hair loss.

Here are some home remedies you can try:

* Make lettuce and spinach juice and mix them together. Wash your face with the mixture daily.

* Break one egg and apply on your hair for 1 hour, massage your hair a few times for better results.

* Pour olive oil on your head and massage it into your scalp to prevent more hair loss.

* Boil water in a pot and add rosemary leaves, mix and cook until you get a mixture. Wait for 30 minutes and apply on your hair.

* Massage Aloe Vera into your scalp wash it with lukewarm water.

* Mix honey and egg yolk and apply on your hair. Let it stand for 20-40 minutes and wash well with cold water so it won't stick.

* Use coconut milk instead of shampoo when washing your hair.

* Henna is very good for the hair, it makes it shine and also very good when losing hair. Apply henna on your hair, let it stand for a few minutes but not too long or your hair will turn red.

* Mix rosemary leaves with lemon, egg white, and olive oil. Apply on your hair for 20-40 minutes and wash with cold water.

* Smear honey on your scalp, let it stand for 20 minutes and wash with warm water. Be careful the honey might stick to your hair, use only with short hair.

Good luck

Hair loss problem?

So you閳ユ獧e a woman and you notice a large amount of hair on your brush or you see an extra amount of hair in the drain after a shower. What could be causing this? Well, it閳ユ獨 not just men that suffer from hair loss. This can happen to women too, and it閳ユ獨 not necessarily all that uncommon if you can believe it. This sometimes is caused by a change in the stages the hair grows at. What causes this you might ask? It usually is telogen effluvium or stress alopecia. These are shocks to the body閳ユ獨 system that can cause the hair not to grow back. Some of these causes are: sudden hormone changes, after birth, discontinuing birth control pills, high fever, burns, radiation therapy, medications, chemo, and thyroid problems or even sever dieting. With this kind of hair loss it is usually general, not in patches it also covers the whole body, not just the head.

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