Sunday, July 26, 2009

How do i keep my hair healthy whats wrong with it?

my hair is reallly long up to my butt and I have alot of split ends. when i shower or brush my hair and some strands fall out ok alot, i know i'm not balding is this a chemical inbalance thing? how do i keep it healthy!???!!

How do i keep my hair healthy whats wrong with it?

it doesn't sound like a chemical imbalance. it sound like you are in desperate need of a haircut. to maintain the overall health of you hair you need to get regular haircuts. once a month is best, any longer than two months and the split ends will take over. there is no way to get rid of split ends other than to cut them off. if not they will split the entire way up your head until the break off. this is why you probably have little fly away pieces that are shorter than the rest of your hair. hair falling out every day is normal, as long as it is not in clumps. all at one time your hair is going through different phases. some of the hair is growing, some is resting, and others are falling out. THIS IS NORMAL. normally you loose anywhere between 30 - 40 some odd hairs a day. it doesn't mean your hair is not healthy. the split ends, on the other hand do. i suggest you start getting regular haircuts to help control those ends. hope this helps. good luck.

How do i keep my hair healthy whats wrong with it?

it sounds like you need to get a trim. this will cut off all split ends and prevent them from coming back sooner.

How do i keep my hair healthy whats wrong with it?

they say kissing to much does this

How do i keep my hair healthy whats wrong with it?

get an inch or two cut off. that will take care of the split ends. and try a different brand of shampoo, not cheap sh!t, get some nice john freda stuff or herbal essence or dove..... talk to a hair professional about it when you get your hair trimmed.

How do i keep my hair healthy whats wrong with it?

You need to trim it regularly. At least every 4 months. I too have hair to my butt but I trim it and i DO NOT color it. Also, always brush your hair with a boar bristled brush. It wont tear it out.

How do i keep my hair healthy whats wrong with it?

It is a fact that people lose 100 hairs a day. that is normal. You need a haircut to get rid of the dead ends of your hair. If you get a haircut, your hair will grow back faster too.

How do i keep my hair healthy whats wrong with it?

you need to get the ends trimmed on a regular basis 4-8 weeks depending on how fast your hair grows/ It will make your hair healthier!

How do i keep my hair healthy whats wrong with it?

the average person loses 100 strands a day, so that's normal. if you have split ends, the only way to cure them is to get a really good hair cut. otherwise, your hair will keep splitting. i know, you'll lose length, but if you cut off all the dead stuff now, it'll grow back much healthier. get regular trims to keep the split ends at bay.

after your haircut, try washing with baby shampoo. it's very gentle and doesn't have alcohol in it. then, condition with a light conditioner from a good company like biolage or something you buy in a salon. skip the cheap kinds because they'll ruin your hair.

How do i keep my hair healthy whats wrong with it?

You need a trim....why not cut about 10" of for locks of love. I do it every two to three years. Just did it. hair to sholders right now.

How do i keep my hair healthy whats wrong with it?

Yes, definetally to get it trimmed almost every month to keep it healthy. Having really long hair can cause it to become brittle, try using shampoos with extra moisturizing, or strengthening in them to keep your hair from falling out.

How do i keep my hair healthy whats wrong with it?

Your hair is probably completely healthy. The longer it gets, the more split ends you will have. This is just because it's been around longer to get damaged. Down to your butt? That takes a lot of hard work. Congrats. I would never have the patience.

How do i keep my hair healthy whats wrong with it?

It is kinda normal for hair to fall out. we actually do shed daily so a certain amount is expected. if you are filling your hair brush or shower drain is clogging, you need to see a beauty professional or doctor. There are certain physically conditions and hormones that can cause a sudden hair loss.

Split ends is the result of dry ends that have been needing a trim. Just get em cut off and keep you hair moisturized daily. even a few drops of olive oil on just the ends will help keep them form splitting so much. when hair is very long, it will split because of wear and lack of moisture.

May I recommend that you start adding gelatin to your diet. You hair and nails will benefit. Make sure you also eat some fats. Today we are all told to watch our fats, but some fats are necessary with the hair benefiting as well. One more thing I must say, the people at the salons are paid professional that can help maintain a beautiful head of hair without cutting it short. Good luck!

How do i keep my hair healthy whats wrong with it?

It sounds like you need to see a professional hair stylist. They would suggest a trim for your split ends and give you a really good conditioning treatment. This should help your hair to be healthy again. I would get professional services done a least once a month if possible and in between I would condition my hair every time it's washed - this should help, but of course get professional advice first.

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