Sunday, July 26, 2009

When you brush your hair with your hand is it common for hair to be ono your hand?

yes you're bound to pull some out

When you brush your hair with your hand is it common for hair to be ono your hand?

Yes it is.

Each person's head has an average of 100,000 hair follicles. Each follicle can grow about 20 individual hairs in a person's lifetime.

About 5 or 6 should come out at any given time sometimes none at all.

Diet or stress can change this so lead a healthy relaxing lifestyle and look forward to a full head of hair for years to come. lol

When you brush your hair with your hand is it common for hair to be ono your hand?

yes,or you would be bald hunny. lol xx

When you brush your hair with your hand is it common for hair to be ono your hand?

yeah the average hair loss is 100 strands a day so you lose hair even when you are not doing anything strenuous but no worries cuz it grows bak

When you brush your hair with your hand is it common for hair to be ono your hand?

Well it if its just a few hairs then yeh its common! but if u meen lyk u no over 20 or something then yes thats bad!

When you brush your hair with your hand is it common for hair to be ono your hand?

Yeah. you loose so many a day anyway....I've recently had a baby and mines falling out in handfuls, but I've no bald patches (yet) so don't worry.

When you brush your hair with your hand is it common for hair to be ono your hand?

A few hair falls occasionally.The truth is that normally hairs grow and fall in small quantities.The hair growth being morethan hair fall we donot realise it.When more hair falls compared to growth ,it is the beginning of the problem.In fection of scalp is one possibllity.See a doctor.Less circulation is another reason.Massage scalp frequently with fingures and comb many times,touching scalp.A few drops of almond or coconut oil ,massaging twice will work miracles.Other causes are tension(avoid tension),poor health,malnutrition(correct it),working under hot sun(have hat),use of chemical shampoo(use only herbal),vitamin deficiency especially zinc(take Zevit).

Do not think of hair too much.It is hereditary.

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