Sunday, July 26, 2009

Why is it after i dye my hair?

after i dye my hair its very hard to brush it out and my hair feels to weird? and i have little pieaces of hair breaking off ( is b/c i didn't brush my hair before i highlighted it?) If you could give me some tips on how to get is back to being smooth that would be great! thank you!

Why is it after i dye my hair?

After you dye your hair your cuticle of your hair is permanently raised that why it feels different and you may have overprocessed it this will cause breakage also if you ponytail your hair that will cause breakage Nexxus has a great product called enphuse its a protein reconstuctor try it It works great also try y serum shampoo %26amp; conditioner

Why is it after i dye my hair?

dying your hair adds texture to your hair, temporarily making it difficult to brush. condition it! don't try to brush it out, that'll just make snags and breakage. dont' do it. just use a wee bit extra conditioner at first and you'll be fine. also, make sure you're using a shampoo for color-treated hair :]

Why is it after i dye my hair?

if it is breaking off your hair is over processed from coloring. it shouldnt be breaking off. try using deep conditioners and give your hair a rest

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