Sunday, July 26, 2009

Does brushing hair makes them grow?

Brushing will cause growth by stimulating blood supply to the scalp. Will that result in growth? I don't know.

Does brushing hair makes them grow?

The only thing that will help your hair grow is to keep it healthy.

Does brushing hair makes them grow?

No, or men would have done that long before Rograine

Does brushing hair makes them grow?

no in fact brushing your hair will increase breakage thus making your hair shorter actually

Does brushing hair makes them grow?

not really...but it helps to create shine by distributing the natural oils in hair

Does brushing hair makes them grow?

No, don't brush it TOO much it will give you split ends.

Does brushing hair makes them grow?

if you brush your hair it will spread the oils through it....if you have oily hair/roots i would suggest not brushing your hair more that maybe twice a day. if you have dry hair than yes brush your hair! i'm not sure about the growing part though! sorry!

Does brushing hair makes them grow?

hell if im soppose to no

Does brushing hair makes them grow?

Brushing your hair will bring the natural oils from the scalp through to the ends of your hair. It makes your hair healthier, but won't necessarily make it grow any faster.

Does brushing hair makes them grow?

yea it help my hair grow i brush it every night i give it one hundred strokes every night before bed and itis more mangable

Does brushing hair makes them grow?

No, but plenty of Vitamins does!! Try that and see if it helps.

Does brushing hair makes them grow?

sori but no all brushin does is make it neat but thaz all

Does brushing hair makes them grow?

i am a doctor and brushing your hair will help it grow just

dont brush it after a shower it will cause breakage

comb it after a shower

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