Sunday, July 26, 2009

Dye Hair in Layers?

Ok, so I've tried it before, but it didn't seem to work.

You know how you see people with their bangs one color on the top, then like, under it's a different color?

I tried doing that before, but when i brushed my hair out, the two colors just mixed.

Is there any special way I should be dying my hair if I want it to have that "layers" look with the colors?

In case you're confused, here's an example of what i'm trying to get at:

See how her hair has purple in the under layer of the bangs, then the blonde on the top?

The colors don't mix together, and I want to know how she did that.

Thank you in advance if you can help me. :3

Dye Hair in Layers?

They way I do it so the colors dont mix is put foil around the part that I dont want that color at.

EX. two colors underneath color black, top color blonde. I would section the hair off to wher I wanted the black and blonde to meet. Clip up the top half and color the underneath. Then clip foil up to my black colored hair. and let the other half down and color it.

SORRY if I confused you. But I didnt know how to word it any other way except that way.

Dye Hair in Layers?

i'm not exactly sure

it could be that your bangs are thnner

or she has more bangs

meaning that when she got her bangs cut more hair was used to make her banhs.

u should ask a stylist or get it done in a salon so u dnt have to worry bout it being skrewy again

her bangs look rad

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