Sunday, July 26, 2009

My hair is falling out, I think it's my shampoo/conditioner?

-I used Herbal Essences for 4 months and my hair never seemed to grow and was really thin, I never knew why..

-So I switched to Garnier from Herbal Essences and my hair seemed to fall out A LOT less..

-The I used Garnier length and strength shampoo %26amp; infuseium 23 conditioner for a month and my hair came out A LOT less..

-THEN..last night I ran out of I23 Conditioner so I bought Herbal Essences conditioner again and used it about 10 minutes ago in my shower and my hair started coming out in my hands..

- Then I went to go brush my hair and it was all packed in my comb..

-Maybe I'm allergic to Herbal Essences??

-I have heard other rumors about Herbal Essences making your hair fallout??

My hair is falling out, I think it's my shampoo/conditioner?

yes yes you could be allergic to something Herbal Essences uses in there shampoo and conditioner

My hair is falling out, I think it's my shampoo/conditioner?

YEAH... I also heard about that. It happened to me. I think you should stop useing it right away and never buy it again. Because you my friend are allergic to it!

My hair is falling out, I think it's my shampoo/conditioner?

i have heard about herbal essences making your hair fall out!

it has something to do with the amount of fragrance they put in there product i think..

i would just stay away from it and get a new shampoo and conditioner (one that is very moisturizing)

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