Sunday, July 26, 2009

Will my hair break and fall out?

8 months ago in march I wanted to go platnuim blonde so I bleached it four times in a row because my hair wouldn't bleach, after a few weeks my hair turned gold so in june I dyed it brown and it went back to gold. My hair now has split ends and it breaks at the end, my hair is very long now and after I take a shower, I brush my hair and it stretches like a rubber band. If I were to go to a professional hair stylist and dyed it platnuim blonde, what are the chances my hair will break or fall out?? And will it turn gold again?

Will my hair break and fall out?

it probably will break off and fall out. bleaching your hair is very damaging. right now i suggest you go to a professional and get a haircut ( to get off some of the ends) and then tell them what you want to achieve with your hair. they will beable to look at it and determine if it can be done or not!

Good luck!

Will my hair break and fall out?

You need to see the doctor if your hair is doing that!!!!!!!!

Girl, your scaring me!!


Will my hair break and fall out?


Will my hair break and fall out?

Obously your hair is tring to tell you somethign. You have damaged it. If you keep damagingliek that with the excesive dying you are going to kill the pores form where your hair grows and you hair will grow rextreamly slow.

Will my hair break and fall out?

I did hair for 11 years don't do anything else to your hair or just cut a lot off that will make it OK to recolor it again other than getting a lot off don't do it OK..good luck

Will my hair break and fall out?

i think you should stop adding die to your hair because your hair could have fallen out earlier when you put 4 dies in hair in a row i think personally that your hair will fall out and if you have long pretty hair now please do not to even try to put it in your hair or you may just end up bold

this is i think is going to happen if you continue to recolor hair

1.All falls out

2.grows slow

3.stops growing

~Good Luck~

Will my hair break and fall out?

you dont need to see a doctor!

the same thing happened to me. what happened is you fried your hair and now its damaged. you need to go to a hair dresser and have them cut the most damaged parts off. ask them about stuff to strengthen your hair. and next time you want to do drastic hair color changes, go see a professional. even if you think its too expensive to let them do it, at least ask them a safe way to do it so nothing like this happens again.

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